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  • Presentation Templates

Stylish Tablet Presentation Pack by MotionMediaGroup on CGguy

  • Attributes

    Resolution 1920 x 1080
    File Size 250MB
  • Required Plugins

    None required

  • None required

    After Effects

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After Effects template for a tablet promo, iOS application ad, mobile app commercial, web store or a distance education course presentation, software demo, web service launch or a mobile-friendly website advertisement. Its clean simple view follows the minimalist trend in web design.
We made a gradient background to add some depth and texture in a trendy muted blue color. It’s neutral enough to not overpower other imagery on the screen but still brings visual interest. The deep blue looks elegant, stylish, trustworthy, sophisticated and intelligent. It represents confidence and responsibility, power and stability. It’s the go-to color for the biggest corporations in the world. You can change the background to fit your brand colors.
The iPad mockup, beautifully rendered and photorealistic, demonstrates the interface design of your website. The device rotates, turns to the viewer, moves slowly up and down. A wide variety of compositions covers vertical, horizontal and diagonal front view with the description text on the right and on the left, you can choose either a closeup or a wide shot. The mockups are not pre-rendered, that means you can rotate and move them in all directions as slow or fast as you wish, zoom in and out.
The video footages with a user’s hand also included in the template provide the most commonly used finger touch gestures, such as tap, swipe left, swipe right and swipe down.
The text placeholders contain white icons and minimal titles, green round, square and hexagon footnotes, both moving and static. The project has a modular structure, so you can mix the scenes within the video kit, duplicate or remove some of them.
Project features:

single-camera and multi-camera versions
modular structure
58 flat icons
14 unique backgrounds
14 hand video footages with the alpha channel
After Effects CS5 and above
no plugins required
100percent After Effects
full HD
help file included
music not included

Personal use only.


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