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Bright Fashion Slideshow

  • Attributes

    Length 0:40
    Resolution 1920 x 1080
    File Size 5MB
  • Application Supported

  • Required Plugins

    None required

  • Commercial License

    Further Information

Hi This is the Nicaragua Map Kit. It will add to your video a stylish animation of a Republic of Nicaragua map for every taste.
The project contains absolutely all departments of the Nicaragua.
In addition, each department of Nicaragua is configured individually.
Working with the template is easy, because the project contains 3 types of settings.
The first type of settings allows you to customize the colors of the map individually for your design.
The second type of settings adjust the position of geo-marks and routes on the map.
The third type of settings is to control camera movement over the map.
So you can come closer to any point with ease.
The project contains 7 pre-prepared scenes.
The template includes a collection of markers and images for maps.
So just download the template right now and add a map to your project.
This animation template is very helpful for hud map-themed promotional material. It can be used as is and customized to your taste. There are many Great transitions and Quick politic scenes.
Nicaragua, officially the Republic of Nicaragua, is the largest country in the Central American isthmus, bordered by Honduras to the northwest, the Caribbean to the east, Costa Rica to the south, and the Pacific Ocean to the southwest.
Departments of Nicaragua:
Nicaragua is a unitary republic. For administrative purposes it is divided into 15 departments (departamentos) and two self-governing regions (autonomous communities) based on the Spanish model.
Boaco, Carazo/Jinotepe, Chinandega, Chontales/Juigalpa, Esteli, Granada, Jinotega, Leon, Madriz/Somoto, Masaya, Matagalpa, Nueva Segovia/Ocotal, Rivas, Rio San Juan/San Carlos, Norte North Caribbean Coast Autonomous Region/Bilwi,
South Caribbean Coast Autonomous Region/Bluefields.
The workflow is very easy: Import your 3d media, add your music, change infographic texts and colors and press the render button!

Personal use only.


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