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Pediatric Medical Center

  • Attributes

    Length 1:14
    Resolution 1920 x 1080
    File Size 6MB
  • Application Supported

  • Required Plugins

    None required

  • Commercial License

    Further Information

Pediatric Medical Center

Perfect for making presentations of pediatric medical center, original medical opener for child hospital, laboratory or scientific slideshow, cure and health center opener or promotion of any medical event! You can produce a smart inspiring video opener, rehabilitation area or psychology slideshow, dental video promo and team showing presentation if you want.

You can easily type any you want text to make video more informationally or place video instead photos or set your colors to any elements you see in preview.

Pediatric Medical Center is a high quality, well organized and easy customizing template. Just drop your image or video, edit the text, add audio and enjoy the result!

pediatric center, attention, baby, blue, boy, care about children, charity, children, clean, clinical, corporate, patient, demonstration, dentistry, disabled children, doctor, government agency, grace, guardianship, happy, health, healthcare, help, patience, hospital, human, humanity, medical center, medicine, opener, pharmacy, policy, poor, presentation, promo, protection, responsibility, safety, school, slideshow, social, social agency, stomatology, tolerance, child, kids, kid, baby, girl, pulmonary

Personal use only.


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