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  • Presentation Templates

Social Media Network Promo

  • Attributes

    Length 0:20
    Resolution 1920 x 1080
    File Size 95MB
  • Application Supported

  • Required Plugins

    None required

  • Commercial License

    Further Information

Social Media Promotion is a modern and clean, Videohive After Effects social media promo style project template that you can use it as social media presentation, opener, intro, teaser, tv commercial, broadcast advertising, company support contact information video etc.
It includes 52 social media icon and you can add new ones easily.

In 2 minutes your video is ready to render!
Editable icons and changeable background
Adobe After Effects CS5 and above
No extra plug-in need! (optical Flare ver. included)
1920×1080 Full HD resolution
20 sec.
Video tutorial included
Audiojungle music code: 3584739

It includes Aim, Behance, Blinklist, Blogger, Blogmarks, Delicious, Designbump, Designfloat, Digg, Diggit, Diglog, Diigo, Dzone, Facebook, Favorites, Feedburner, Flickr, Friendsfeed, Gmail, Google, Hi5, iGoogle, Lastfm, Linkedin, Mail, Msn, Myspace, Netvibes, Netvous, Orkut, Picasa, Propeller, Reddit, Rss, Shoutwire, Spurl, Stumbleupon, Swik, Technorati, Tumblr, Twitter, Vimeo, Web, WordPress, Yahoo, Buzz, Youtube, Ziki

Personal use only.


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