Length 0:30 File Size 16.3MB -
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Commercial License
Hello colleagues! A very large project with the necessary elements for infographics in the style of HUD
Using a finished animation. All elements of the individual. Combine items. Animation is ready to Render my scene.
Insert the comp you need on the timeline line in the comp ;Render my ;. Change the order of comp.
Change the graphics. Controlled by expressions in and graphs and pie chart.
You can change the color in the project .
All compositions and elements for 0:30 seconds.
What is included in the project: Arrow 12, Button 24, Call out 40, Countries 63, Cursor 8, Graph 6, Icon 40,
Marker 8, Pie chart 6, Screen 6, Screen_mini 31, Tachometer 4, Target 18, Text 4, Timer 1, Transition 4, World map 1, Backgrounds 12
I used the font: DINPro, Big John. Music is not included in the project.
The music I used: https://audiojungle.net/item/epic-hybrid-space/13389796?s_rank=32