Resolution 1920 x 1080 File Size 14.2MB -
Application Supported
Required Plugins
None required
Commercial License
This project file has been created using After Effects CS5 in Full HD (1920X1080).
The project includes 10 replaceable TEXT SPOTS, 8 Big replaceable Video/Image, and 45 Small Video/Image!
Optical Flares PLUGIN is Pre-Rendered!
The package includes a video (prerendered) for the tunnel!
10 projects are included:
01 Same as First Preview (the media featured in the tunnel loops every 11 seconds)
02 Same as First Preview (the media featured in the tunnel loops every 30 seconds)
03 Same as First Preview (the media featured in the tunnel is Pre-Rendered and loops every 11 seconds)
04 Media in monitors not looped
05 Same as 2nd Preview (media in tunnel matches Big Media)
06 Same as First Preview (the media in tunnel loops every 11 seconds with Optical Flares Pre-Rendered)
07 Same as First Preview (the media in tunnel loops every 30 seconds. Optical Flares Pre-Rendered)
08 Same as First Preview (the media in tunnel is Pre-Rendered and looped every 11 seconds. Optical Flares Pre-Rendered)
09 Meda in monitors not looped. Included pre-rendered Optical Flares.
10 Same as Second Preview (media in monitors same as Big Media. Optical Flares Pre-Rendered)
Music and SoundFX are Included.
See Only Videos Here: http://videohive.net/item/tunnel-monitors-loop-3-videos/8231346
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