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  • Presentation Templates

Dubstep Glitch Logo Reveal

  • Attributes

    Length 0:10
    Resolution 1920 x 1080
    File Size 108MB
  • Application Supported

  • Required Plugins

    None required

  • Commercial License

    Further Information

Urban Opener is action-packed, trendy, and dynamic with a modern retro feel. It grabs your attention right from the start and never lets go. Including grungy grain and scratch overlays as well as cool monochrome color overlays and distorted chromatic aberrations to create a vintage VHS, broken VCR look. This dynamic promo is great for fashion brands, streetwear, travel, sports, music videos, event promos, and movie or video game trailers. Create a fast, frantic, and exciting mood with our quick zooms and light bursts to add some adventure to your next video.
Make an impact on your audience with this funky new template. Get started now!

Personal use only.


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