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  • Presentation Templates

Android App Presentation Template by MotionMediaGroup on CGguy

  • Attributes

    Resolution 1920 x 1080
    File Size 1.56GB
  • Required Plugins

    None required

  • None required

    After Effects

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After Effects template with an animated smartphone mockup kit to demonstrate a mobile app, service, website and its user interface, showreel of a new wordpress template or a UX/UI designer portfolio, a news blog or any other web service.
The presentation kit contains ready made compositions with different views of a moving smartphone: front, diagonal, close-up and wide shot, with the text on the right and on the left. It contains 25 clean and simple scenes, several compositions with text examples and 26 icons for them. An animated 3D composition puts in the spotlight the web design elements, your content and user interface: the web page pictures are placed into a three dimensional space as if floating in the air with a smooth animation.
The phone mockup, beautifully rendered, accurate in details and photorealistic, demonstrates the interface design of your website. You can choose any of the three phone versions – white, black or golden.
The dark background highlights the design elements, creates a high contrast with other colors, looks ultra modern and is perfect for luxury and intelligent products. The objects look powerful, trustworthy, prestigious and authoritative. It’s perfect for a white or light app which are the most popular in web design.
Use the photo background to make the presentation more emotional and convincing. With its soft shadows and monochrome colors it strengthens the 3D effect. Insert your photos to bring more connection with your brand and add some professional stylistics. Tell a visual story with your own real characters, your team, clients or projects.
Project features:

Modular structure (25 separate modules)
Color control
Clean Modern design
Fast render
46 icons
3 version phone (white, black, golden)
Awesome atmosphere
Very easy to use
100percent after effects
After Effects CS5.5 and above
no plugins required
Full HD
music and photos not included

Personal use only.


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