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  • After Effects
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  • Presentation Templates

Comics Logo Intro

  • Attributes

    Length 0:13
    Resolution 3840 x 2160
    File Size 269.6MB
  • Application Supported

  • Required Plugins

    None required

  • Commercial License

    Further Information

Nova Reaction. Techno Slideshow

Create an original technology or digital slideshow a few clicks! Nova Reaction Techno Slideshow has default settings in blue color theme but every element has individual adjust and you can produce infinity versions of digital presentations with any color you want.

Make your own scientifically presentation or space innovation opener or futuristic photo sequence with original dna and hud elements!!! You can generate event promo for any action game or nuclear power plant. That template has an intuitive interface and well organized structure. Perfect for engineering medical or corporate slideshow, industrial or game app video presentation, NASA holographic video. You can create laboratory or dna slideshow, futuristic or engineering video easily a few clicks.

Personal use only.


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