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Sales performance – Scene Situations

Funny Fur Website Laptop Promo

| Peculiar style of that template – the best way to promote your website or laptops! It was made in a realistic 3d design with fur balls to attract more attention on the laptop and display. Perfect for making promotion of a website, landing page or presentation of laptops.

Funny Fur Website Laptop Promo is a template that can be used for demonstrating and advertising applications, services and websites and their user interface on laptops (macbook). The placeholders are suitable for screenshots, video and any animation.

Also you can use this project as a macbook mockup template. All scenes are pre-rendered. Or if you need to make video advertising for a computer store – just use this template!

Web promo is a continuation of this popular series and completely built in After Effects. Great to promote your new app or website! Simply drop a picture of the website into the screen placeholders, change the text and render.

Personal use only.


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