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  • Presentation Templates

Tablet App Promo by Animated_Promo on CGguy

  • Attributes

    Resolution 1920 x 1080
    File Size 7MB
  • Required Plugins

    Element 3D v2

  • None required

    After Effects

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Tablet App Promo ó well organized template
Tablet App Promo is a neat and well organized After Effects template with a quality design, clean looking text layouts and smooth transitioning effects.
This web template allows you to customise every small part of template because everything is created inside After Effects.
Fast rendering!
Quick to use. Save your time! This project is clean advert what can be used to create your own responsive presentation
Easy to customise. Make your own web app promo: change order, delete or add compositions, customise your time.
Included full pdf-manual, that even the beginner will easy understand how to tune a this tablet project.
Works with After Effects CS5.5, CS6, CC and higher
Warning 3D Element required
Flexibility of the responsive tempalte is insane, you can easily make very glossy and clean or anyhow app mockups.
Tablet App Promo ó only available in this stock market place
Purchase Tablet App Promo
to blow your audience away with this action-packed and energetically animated AE template.
For beginners there are short PDF tutorial in tutorials folder which explain everything from start to finish (import mobile content, composing app scenes, using animation presets, device scene customization, using various objects such as: intros, typography, diagrams etcÖ ,using marketing media).
Suit perfectly for app ads, tablet promo opener etc. Show online your tablet display
This project is created to blow your mind and boost the workflow to the next level. Make your work faster and devote more time to creativity! Web interface is the powerful weapon and must have product for motion designers, filmakers, vlogers and everyone who want to impress the audience.
Short description Tablet App Promo allows you to make your own clear device promo or marketing video for web promotion.
Project panel of Tablet App Promo is a simple way to control your responsive presentation

Personal use only.


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