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Dream of your Marriage in Typography | After Effects

Сhoose this blog 00:12 sec intro After Effects template if you upload videos on Youtube to your channel. Change colors with 2 clicks to bring colors closer to your brand. You can use photos or videos. Features:

Works with image or video
Works with After Effects CS5 – CC 2019
Resolution – FULL HD
Color change with 2 clicks
Universal Expressions – works with all language version of After Effects
Links for free fonts is included on readme file
Video tutorials included
14 Media Placeholders
8 Text Placeholders
Links on photo footages is included

Perfect for: opening, opener, open, trailer, title, tech, into, id, intro game, promo, player, package, promotion, pack, ad, animation, add, advert, audio, search, show, buttons, subscriber, design package, download, for companies, game, gamer, gaming, logo, like, lower third, latest videos, logo loop, video, views, visualizer, branding, broadcast, network, music, marketing, wedding, web, elegant, emotional, rock, real estate, religion, text, title, travel, urban, identity, image, info, for company, pro, photo, party, after effects, action, sport, slideshow, simple, dance, dj, dark, dynamic, fashion, flat, hollywood, hospital, jawerly, kids, kinetic, kit, reveal, love, corporate, cinema, car, credits, vintage, vector, words, business, birthday, news, name, natural, motion, minimal, blogger, vlogger, blog, vlog

Personal use only.


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