Length 0:06, 0:15, 0:05, 0:05, 0:06, 0:06, 0:06, 0:06, 0:06, 0:04, 0:04, 0:06, 0:06, 0:05, 0:05, 0:02, 0:06, 0:06, 0:07, 0:05, 0:05, 0:04, 0:04, 0:01, 0:01, 0:01 Resolution 1920 x 1080 File Size 42MB -
Application Supported
Required Plugins
None required
Commercial License
Before buying please read the Envato licence rules and FAQ about licenses
You can use the one-time purchase regular license to make multiple videos, but only for one channel, client, product and for non-commercial purposes
You can use the one-time purchase regular license to make multiple videos, but only for one channel, client, product, if you plan to use this template for commercial reason, you will need an extended license.
Personal use only.
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