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Corporate Package

Broadcast Opener

NOTE: Template is not restricted to Motorsports (like the preview), you can use it as a football game trailer, as an intro for a gym or workout and fitness training program (like Crossfit and bodybuilding), or any other video that requires an energetic and motivational tone.
Action themed for creating event promos, sports show intro, teaser, fight or boxing match commercial for broadcast or web and YouTube. The dynamic title animation delivers a powerful, intense and dramatic atmosphere.

More Info:

Opener includes 6 Scenes and a Modular Timeline. Everything organized inside Placeholders and very easy to find and customize.
In the Template you also have an “Elements” folder where you can find a number of Futuristic Hi-Tech Gadget like elements that you see in the background of every Scene. All elements are Fully Customizable and Organized in Precomps.


For After Effects CS5.5+

18 Video/Image Placeholders
6 Text Placeholders
30 Seconds Animation

Universal Color Controls
Video Tutorial
Easy and Fast Customization
No Plugins Required

Personal use only.


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