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YouTube Intro

  • Attributes

    Length 0:20, 0:10, 0:05, 0:02
    Resolution 3840 x 2160
    File Size 222MB
  • Application Supported

  • Required Plugins

    None required

  • Commercial License

    Further Information

This intro has 0:20, 0:10 and 0:05 sec length, so you will definitely find the right one for your YouTube channel. Pack also include: subscribe animation, bumpers, end screen and logo transition. Also we added step-by-step video instruction how to use all elements.

Video tutorials with step-by-step instruction included
Works with image or video
Works with After Effects CS5 – CC 2020
Resolution – 4k
Color and text change with couple clicks
Music is not included. Link in readme file.

Perfect for: opening, opener, open, trailer, title, tech, into, id, intro game, promo, player, package, promotion, pack, ad, animation, add, advert, audio, search, show, buttons, subscriber, design package, download, for companies, game, gamer, gaming, logo, like, lower third, latest videos, logo loop, video, views, visualizer, branding, broadcast, network, music, marketing, wedding, web, elegant, emotional, rock, real estate, religion, text, title, travel, urban, identity, image, info, for company, pro, photo, party, after effects, action, sport, slideshow, simple, dance…

Personal use only.


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