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  • After Effects
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  • Sound Effects
  • Presentation Templates

Golden Mosaic Reveal

  • Attributes

    Length 0:10
    Resolution 1920 x 1080
    File Size 85MB
  • Application Supported

  • Required Plugins

    None required

  • Commercial License

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Modern Models Presentation

| What for?
Create an original fashion and stylish opener in strong motion design. For example: make a portfolio for your fashion clothes, beauty blog or presentation with a girls models.

Create sexual dynamic fashion media opener, promotion or glamour film credits with glitch effects a few clicks! Perfect for: elegance and clean fashion promo, sport, action or aggressive videography, stylish magazine promo or event greetings slideshow. That professional template will help you make some cool and dynamic vogue, fashionable introduction, sportive opener or glamour video. You can use videos or photos from Instagram, Twitter, Youtube or home video.

Make your outstanding video or fashion promo or cinematic slideshow with modern minimalistic effect and fresh clean design! Few clicks and you will get original cinematic opener, fashion or modern slideshow, fashion market opener or presentation with your photos or videos. Just do it!

However, that is a really universal template and you can use it almost for any you want events. Celebrity or famous leaders presentation and short descriptions for each of one, awards achievements promo or thematics typography, introduction nomination on video displays on exhibition or demo hall. Also you can create some interesting typography video promo or mini advertisements for new brands of fashion. Just place your photos or video clips and type your own text. You can change the colors of any elements.

Personal use only.


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