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Sport Motivation TV Promo by MotionMediaGroup on CGguy

Use this project to present a sports blog or a TV program, to promote a sports event, a fitness club, tell about a fitness course or a coach and feature a sportsman or motivate your team to win before a great project.
The design of this template is multipurpose for any kind of sport. In the preview we experimented with videos on fitness, biking, motorcycling, boxing, running, but you can engage other sports. Dynamic black and white compositions demonstrate strong emotions in sports: energy and power, competition, hard work, confidence, joy, victory and excitement. To intensify the message of your video we created impressive typography with text backgrounds and fast minimal text animation.
Project features:Modular structure
Modern design
Awesome atmosphere
Very easy to use
100Percent After Effects
After Effects CS5.5 and above
No plugins required
Full HD
Music not included

Personal use only.


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