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Trendy Slideshow | After Effects

This is a fake retro game. You can use it as a part of your project, or create some story. We showed only gameplay, so it is an ideal veriant if you need to show some 8/16bit story but you do not have license for showing some gameplay from real videogames.
For creating this template we used FRAGMENTS. You are able to change a lot of details such as coins design, colors, text or logotypes. Everything inside of this template is customizable. But for fast render we change some design elements (like images of the backgrounds, houses etc.) to images. So you are not able to customize some elements.
You can buy Fragments here:

Sound FX are included.
1920×1080; 29.97fps.
After Effects CC2020 and above.
No plug-ins required.
Help file included.

Personal use only.


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