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  • After Effects
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  • Presentation Templates

Short Typo Opener

  • Attributes

    Length 0:20
    Resolution 1920 x 1080
    File Size 3.09MB
  • Applications Supported

    After Effects

  • Required Plugins

    None required

  • Commercial License

    Further Information

Islamic Food Menu Promo

| Create a bright and colorful restaurant promotion, video menu for your cafe or presentation of a kitchen channel on youtube in islamic style.

That really universal template will help you make some interesting presentations of uzbek pilaf, chicken tikka kebab or baklava video. You can use videos or photos from Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, vlog or home video.

Suitable for creating original promo with typography titles, modern and creative effects a few clicks!!! You can produce a videography which will show the interior, staff members and chef of your eatery or cafe for visitors and clients. Also that template will help to create a presentation of a dish, food, new menu or banquet for advertisement in your bar or canteen.

You may make attractive video submissions of any lunch or dinner for displays inside your coffee house or fast food cafeteria. Wine bar or pub will be more pleasant for any visitor!

Personal use only.


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