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COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic Tracker | World Map & USA Map Population by MotionRevolver on CGguy

World Map Population Tracker Summary
MotionRevolver’s World Map Population Tracker gives you the ability to display and track the population of 192 countries and regions across the globe.
Whether you’re tracking global population growth of the world or just specific countries, or if you need to display the worldwide spread of a viral flu pandemic or disease, our World Map Population Tracker gives you the tools to quickly create stunning visual infographics.
The simple data entry interface and easy-to-use appearance customization panels, coupled with the fast-rendering 4K resolution graphics make World Map Population Tracker the go-to After Effects template for any population-based location project.
As with all MotionRevolver projects, World Map Population Tracker comes packaged with a detailed video tutorial, helping you through the customization and editing process. We’ve made this template easy enough for users with any level of expertise using Adobe After Effects.
World Map Population Tracker HighlightsFully and easily customizable – Built entirely in Adobe After Effects
No pre-rendered graphics or uneditable elements
3rd-party plugins required: NONE!
Track Population data for 192 countries and regions
Built in 4K resolution (3840×2160) for high quality applicationsIncluded with United States Election ResultsTracking for 129 Countries and Regions
Detailed United States map featuring the lower 48 contiguous states
Loopable World Map Population Tracker Background
Lower Third Graphic
Corner Information Graphic
Corner Bug Graphic
Top List Graphic
Important Numerical Category Graphic
Title Graphic
Statistical Information GraphicWorld Map Population Tracker is GREAT for:
virus, viral, covid19, coronavirus, pandemic, infection, population, tracker, tracking, world, map, global, flu, influenza, corona

Personal use only.


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