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Health & Diet Modern Flat Animated Icons by MbrEffects on CGguy

Health & Diet Modern Flat Animated Icons
36 unique high quality animated Health & Diet icons to improve your projects and explainer videos, the included icons are : Healthy, Running, swimmer, exerceise, Yoga, Gym, Workout, Diet, jump rope, shoes, yoga, fruit, Fitness, weight, kettlebell, dumbbell, bread, water, juice, orange juice, heart, bicycle, cycling, fitness watch, protein, nuts, apple, strong, milk, olive oil, nutrition, branch, schedule, avocado, junk food, beans, sleep, sleeping, rest.
36 Animated icons.
High Quality Animations.
Resizable to higher resolutions, based on Shapes.
Fast rendering.
No Plug-ins required.
100Percent After effects Template.
Universal Expressions.
Well Organized.
Works with After Effects CC2015 and above.

Personal use only.


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