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Advanced In and Out Lower Thirds by butlerm on CGguy

Advanced In and Out Lower Thirds
This is a 1920×1080p Adobe After Effects Project of a fast pasted advanced lower third building on the screen and off. The lower third starts out with an X animating on the screen to easily let people know that there is something going to be happening there soon. This is followed by the X turning into a cube and the background ribbons animating in to reveal the persons name and job description. The lower third eventually then animates off the screen instead of just a fade out. The file includes a left, center, and right lower third useful for when people are on a specific side of the screen. You are also able to customize the width of the lower third to be the exact length of your text to make it more professional. There is a video tutorial included with the project file along with no extra plugin needed. Finally, you are also able to change the cube colors to match the corporate identity.
Project Features:1080p HD
Works with Adobe After Effects CS5.5 and newer
No plugins are required
Video tutorial is included
Animation in and animation out on the lower thirds

Personal use only.


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