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Sketch gives you the ability to create an organic, detailed sketch effect in After Effects, no plugins required.
Bring your results to life with a hand-drawn timelapse effect. Perfect for intro videos, Instagram or Pinterest.
Create detailed sketch effects from your photos, images or video frames with just a few steps. Customizable settings in After Effects allow you to transform your results, giving you maximum control completely. What’s even better, no plugins, no pre-renders, and no third-party apps. You control the number of scribbles, crosshatches, textures, shading, highlights, shadows, and much more.
Requirements: Sketch has been tested and working on After Effects CC+
Features: Sketch includes a custom resizing script built for modern screen sizes. Choose from presets or customize your own dimensions up to Full HD (1920×1080).
Built with new After Effects users in mind, every detail of the creation process has been tailored for ease-of-use. The creation process begins with isolating your source and focal areas. Next, fine-tune your results using the Simple Realism Amount slider. Control how abstract or photo-realistic your sketch looks. Finally, select up to 5 areas you wish to reveal. Control the duration of the reveal, hand direction and randomness.
Tutorial: Search “Thomas Kovar Sketch” on Youtube to view the full tutorial.
Questions / Support: Message me at support @ thomaskovar.com
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