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John and Jane Promoting Your Business/Service


John and Jane Promoting Your Business/Service

Very often creative minded people have trouble presenting/promoting themselves, in this case, you don’t have to worry, there are John and Jane who will promote with pleasure your services/company. So, why waiting any longer? Hire them and quickly make an ideal presentation of your Company / Service

Inside you’ll fine John’s and Jane’s .AI source files, so feel free to do character modifications

After Effects CS3 and above
Use images or videos
No plugins
Easy Customization
Video Help Included
Free font (link inside the Font folder)
Insert your background
Music not included but you can get it here:

Please if you like it don’t forget to rate it

Famous Hollywood Movie Luts

4K Lens Flares

4K Light Leaks

Ultimate Video Fx

3D Title Maker Animator

Resource download
Personal use only.


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