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Fast Modern Gallery

This fast and modern image slideshow can be used for any kind of video gallery (wedding, vacation, high school mates, birthday, photographer portfolio, family album, video gallery for dvd, etc…).
Extremely easy customization! Just drag and drop your images.
Main features:

After effects cs3 project (compatible with all newer after effects versions: cs4, cs5, cs5.5, cs6, cc)
No plugins required
24 placeholders for your images or videos
Detailed help with all customization steps
Audio track is created by audiojungle author BlueFoxMusic, and I used his great track Amped in this project
Project is created in full HD 1920×1080 resolution in 29.97 frames per second. You can very easy change parameters and render your final video in any resolution and any fps.
Help file is detailed for unexperienced after effects users, and it contains all required steps for customization.

Required customization steps:

Add music
Add your images or videos
Replace all texts and logos Optional customization steps:
Background color
Controls: flat/extruded logo, placoholders shaking frequency and amplitude, light leaks controls Other settings:
Render in any resolution and fps
Tips for faster render

Personal use only.


Please first
