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Rotating Icons

100Percent After Effects
No plugins required
After Effects CS5 and above
Video tutorial included
1920×1080 25fps
Music tracks not included and available

The icons are grouped into 5 categories: 1. Business, 2. Nature, 3. Buildings, 4. IT / Internet and 5. Travel / Vehicles. Includes 32 icons (optional text) : Bridge, Bank, Documents, Business Success Graphic, Castle, Plant, Lighthouse, Church, Rocket fly, Aim, Money, Trees, Yacht, Night Moon, Mountains, Palms, E-mail, YouTube, Like, Search, Social Media, Phone, Eiffel Tower, London Big Ben, Airplain, Mosque, Ship, Freedom Statue, Car, Bus, Tower of Pisa, Egypt piramides.

If you need any help please contact through profile page.

Prerendered version of icons get here: Travel Icons

Personal use only.


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