Length 1:26, 0:03 Resolution 1920 x 1080 File Size 63.3MB -
Application Supported
Required Plugins
None required
Commercial License
After Effects CS4 or Higher
Full HD Resolution (1920×1080) 24fps, 25fps, 30fps
960p, 720p, 640p, 360p, PAL, PAL Widescreen
NO PLUGIN required
100+ Icons
Present your social networks with a 3D animation.
Easy Customize
Backgrounds are changeable.
Create your icons
You can find here the music here.
Video tutorials included.
Project Includes
Social Icons
Addthis, Behance, Blogger, Deviantart, Digg, Dribbble, Facebook, Flickr, Forrst, Googleplus, Instagram, Linkedin, Livejournal, Mail, MySpace, Orkut, Picasa, Pinterest, Reddit, Rss, Sharethis, Soundcloud, Stumbleupon, Tumblr, Twitter, Vimeo, Youtube
Bonus Social Icons
Bebo, Flickr (extra), Friendfeed, Grooveshark, Twitter (extra), Zerply
Social Share Icons
Behance, Facebook, Google+, Linkedin, Pinterest, Soundcloud, Twitter, Youtube
11 Placeholders for Logo Reveal
Bonus Icons
Anchor, at, Avatar, Camera, Clock, Cloud, Code, Danger, Denied, Down, Download, Gear, Heart, Key, Location, Microphone, Music, Phone, Plane, Search, Star, Tag, Toxic, Up, Upload, Water
BONUS: 3D Animated Fonts (58 Characters)
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