Application Supported
File Types
Documentation Included -
1920(w) × 1080(h) px
Commercial License
Startups have become an attractive phenomenon in recent years since the digital era. Every day they competitively deliver incredible ideas and innovations to get massive funding. However, as a startup player, you don’t only have the challenge of providing innovations but also presenting the ideas delightfully in front of your potential investors. Hive, a Colorful Creative Modern Startup PowerPoint Presentation template, can be your best companion to attract your audience.
This template is designed to attract the attention of everyone who sees it. With a modern design and alluring color combination, this template has a clean and neat look that creates a professional yet trendy image for your creative business. Other than that, this template is well-written in a symmetrical layout. As a result, you can deliver your idea attractively and gain attention as much as possible with this captivating clean and trendy presentation template.
Hive, the Colorful Creative Modern Startup PowerPoint Presentation, provides 15 exclusively unique slides in PowerPoint format. You can easily adjust this template according to your needs using your preferred PowerPoint applications.
If you have questions or inquiries regarding this product, you are always welcome to contact our support team at any time of your convenience. Likewise, when you find difficulties or issues in editing this template, we are ready to help you any time you need our assistance.
Main Files You Will Get:
PPT files
PPTX files
PDF documentation
Package Highlight:
Support PowerPoint
Easy to edit text and colors
1920px X 1080px
All graphics re-sizeable and editable
Well Documented
Easy to edit and customize
Please Note All images are just used for preview purposes only and NOT included in the main PSD files.
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