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Digital Marketing PowerPoint Templates:
30 Unique Slides (4300 Total): ideal solution for create business plan, marketing report or presentation.
This pack include: digital marketing soft skills scheme, digital marketing hard skills scheme, types of digital marketing, marketing channels, process planning (old and modern marketing strategy), choosing the best digital marketing channels scheme, marketing strategy, marketing segmentation, development social media strategy, the generation defined timeline, marketing mix 4Ps, customer journey, marketing strategy pentagon, marketing plan phases, digital marketing tactics, email marketing, social media template analysis, comparing users by device type, potential customers scheme illustration, planning marketing activity, marketing management cycle, data management platform, key performance indicators KPI, marketing activity web analytics, graph classification customers by revenue (ABC analysis).
Only editable shapes: easy change size and colours, no need Photoshop or Illustrator!
10 Pre-made colours (XML files)
Flat Style
16x9HD, Retina Ready
.PPTX files (Support PowerPoint 2010, 2013, 2016, 365, new)
Easy to edit! 2 Click to customization
Only editable all shapes
Retina ready
Free Google fonts
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