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Documentation Included -
1920(w) × 1080(h) px
Commercial License
Producing something similar to another company or business is something legal. But, to be acknowledged by others, your product should have some treats or characters that other products don’t have. It is one of the reasons why every company needs its brand identity to differentiate from other products and be easily recognized by customers. Provide your brand identity elegantly using Alluxe, a bold elegant brand identity presentation template. It is perfect for companies, corporate, professionals, and any other business.
This template has an appealing appearance but at the same time, it also has a bold tone that can emphasize the points on your presentation. Every part of the slide represents all your needs in making a high-quality, professional, and presentable presentation to your audience, especially your supervisors. Make your brand the most outstanding by using the proper brand identity guidelines.
Alluxe, a bold elegant brand identity presentation template, provides you with 10 unique template designs, available in PPT and PPTX format files. You can edit the text, image, and color on the template using Microsoft PowerPoint or any other compatible application on your device to be more like your preferences or needs.
Help documentation in a PDF file is included in the package to assist you in editing the template. But, if you find any difficulties or issues that Help cannot cover, or you have any questions and inquiries regarding this product, you are always welcome to contact our support team at any time of your convenience.
Details of what you get:
PPTX file
PPT file
1 Help documentation
10 unique slides
Based on Master slide
Easy to edit text and colors
Use free fonts from Google Fonts
Support Microsoft PowerPoint
16:9 Widescreen ratio
Picture Placeholder
All graphics resizable and editable
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