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Revenue models, streams and management PowerPoint

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    1920(w) × 1080(h) px

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Revenue models, streams and management templates for PowerPoint:

30 Unique Slides (300 Total): Revenue model, How much is paid? Who pays? For What is paid? How is paid? What is paid? 12 Popular Revenue models, Revenue vs Profitability, Revenue assurance, Manage revenue assurance operations, 6 Steps revenue assurance protection and monitoring, Revenue assurance process life cycle: tools, methodology, best practices, Revenue management, Requirements for a total revenue management process, Revenue Management 8 Stages, Revenue streams, Different types of revenue streams, Revenue stream and type of revenue streams, Revenue streams typical for recipients in SEZ (Special Economic Zones) regimes, Revenue models and pricing strategies, Revenue model choice framework, What is revenue modeling? Subscription revenue model (scheme), User data monetization revenue model (scheme), Freemium revenue model (scheme), Sharing economy revenue model, Affiliate revenue model, Affiliate revenue model, Transaction fee revenue model, Marketplace revenue model.
Only editable shapes: easy change size and colours, no need Photoshop or Illustrator!
10 Pre-made colours (XML files)
Flat Style
16x9HD, Retina Ready
.PPTX files (Support PowerPoint 2010, 2013, 2016, 365, new)
Easy to edit! 2 Click to customization
Only editable all shapes
Retina ready
Free Google fonts

A large number of slides with a real Revenue models, streams and management.

Personal use only.


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