Application Supported
File Type
Documentation Included -
1920(w) × 1080(h) px
Commercial License
Looking for an Effective, Modern, and Easy Customable Presentation?
Your idea deserves to be heard. This product will help you turns ideas into persuasive presentations to communicate your messages clearly, meet your goals, and exceed expectations in everything from thought leadership and sales to everyday employee communication.
Fully Editable in Powerpoint (shapes, icons, mockup, etc.)
16:9 screen layouts (FULL HD!)
Slide transition animation (Effective. Not over-animated)
Drag & drop to change image
70+ Unique slides each theme
Devices mockup (with drag & drop to change screen)
Company Profile slides
Social media infographics
Digital marketing infographics
World, U.S, Asia, Australia Maps
Data Driven slides
Device mockups slides
Image placeholder
500 editable icons set!
What inside the package
pptx. file compatible for all keynote version**
Fonts (all free)
Open Sans
Icons (please check pdf)
Important info
The stock images in the preview is not included in the package due to Envato author terms.
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