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Documentation Included -
1920(w) × 1080(h) px
Commercial License
Introducing Chotts Presentation is a clean, versatile, scalable and multipurpose PowerPoint Presentation Template to present your business to potentials clients in a elegant way, Elite Business Presentation has +125 slides of content (portfolios, general information, handmade infographics, data charts, section breaks, maps, tables, timeline etc. ), many layouts options and more. This presentation was made it slide by slide and based on master slides. Please be sure to install the fonts before open the presentation.
Unique Features
Pictoral Slides
Infographic Slides
Photo Layouts Slides
Process Slides
Cycle Slides
Structure Slides
Cluster Slides
Radiate Slides
Team Slides
Influence Layouts
Maps Slides
Charts Slides
Text/Table Slides
Data/Distribution Slides
Device Slides
130 Unique Slides
Unlimited Color Options
24 Premade Color Schemes Included
Wide Screen (Full HD)
PPTx Files
Section Break Slides
Smart and Innovative Presentation Slides
Easy Editable charts
Easy Editable Devices Mockups
Handcrafted Infographic in Powerpoint
Easily Editable
Based on Master Slides
Pixel-perfect illustrations
Bright & Dark Versions
Free Font & Icons
Creative & Professional (Multipurpose)
All Graphic Resizable and Editable
World Map
All Essential Function (Chart, Infographic, Gallery, Portolio, Team, TimeLine, Mock Up and More)
Can I customize the colors?
Yes! This is at the heart of the design and it ís easy to do. Graphics are created with vector objects which can be scaled, recolored and edited with no loss of fidelity.
Do I need custom fonts?
We use the Lato fonts, which is FREE! You can download it here Envato policy does not permit me to include the fonts in the files you download, but it ís super easy to just click on the link and download the fonts.
Open Sans – http://www.fontsquirrel.com/fonts/open-sans
Icon Fonts:
et-line icon font – http://www.elegantthemes.com/blog/resources/elegant-icon-font
Sosa Regular – http://tenbytwenty.com/?xxxx_posts=sosa
Simple Icon Fonts – https://github.com/thesabbir/simple-line-icons
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